Hi, new to TW, so if my searches didn't turn up a solution already 
available, just send me in the right direction.

I am using the BibTeX importer plugin to pull bibliographic info from 
Zotero, but notice that it doesn't make use of my annotations (extracted 
from PDF highlights using Zotfile <http://zotfile.com/>) except add them to 
the tiddler's "bibtex-annote" field.

In a perfect scenario, upon import these annotations would be turned into 
their own tiddlers and tagged or linked to the citation (bonus if it uses 
the citations added by Zotfile as the link display, extra bonus if it will 
append annotations from a newly uploaded BibTeX file highlighted at a later 
date). I know through TW all things are possible, but haven't come across 
documentation that will give me the actions/attributes I need to make it 

For further context: I am using Mohammad's excellent Refnotes plugin, which 
works very well for citing/synthesizing resources (and might be the best 
framework for this), but doesn't (to my knowledge) do the above. I'm using 
Stroll as well, and I've attached the .bib file I'm using so we're on the 
same page.

Thanks for your help!

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	title = {Presymptomatic {Transmission} of {SARS}-{CoV}-2 — {Singapore}, {January} 23–{March} 16, 2020},
	volume = {69},
	issn = {0149-21951545-861X},
	url = {https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6914e1.htm},
	doi = {10.15585/mmwr.mm6914e1},
	abstract = {Investigation of all 243 cases of COVID-19 reported in Singapore during January 23–March 16 identified seven clusters of cases in which presymptomatic transmission is the most likely explanation ...},
	language = {en-us},
	urldate = {2020-06-07},
	journal = {MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report},
	author = {Wei, Wycliffe E.},
	year = {2020},
	annote = {Extracted Annotations (6/7/2020, 11:51:29 AM)"Seven COVID-19 epidemiologic clusters in which presymptomatic transmission likely occurred were identified, and 10 such cases within these clusters accounted for 6.4\% of the 157 locally acquired cases. In the four clusters for which the date of exposure could be determined, presymptomatic transmission occurred 1-3 days before symptom onset in the presymptomatic source patient." (Wei 2020:1)"Examination of serial intervals (i.e., the number of days between symptom onsets in a primary case and a secondary case) in China suggested that 12.6\% of transmission was presymptomatic (2)." (Wei 2020:1)},
	file = {Wei_2020_Presymptomatic Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 — Singapore, January 23–March 16, 2020.pdf:C\:\\Users\\JESta\\Dropbox\\Research\\COVID-19\\Wei_2020_Presymptomatic Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 — Singapore, January 23–March 16, 2020.pdf:application/pdf}

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