Oops, wrong link in the OP.

This is the right link 

On Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 11:36:11 PM UTC-3 Charlie Veniot wrote:

> Documenting the "now" macro for BASIC Anywhere Machine's 
> "meta-programming" 
> <https://basicanywheremachine.neocities.org/Test/BAM_ProgReference?target=Bookmarks%3A%3Anow%23%EF%B8%8F%E2%83%A3meta#Home>
> BAM (BASIC Anywhere Machine) is a TW 5.2.3 instance.  To properly document 
> TW features as "macros for meta-programming" in BAM, I've decided to 
> directly embed relevant TiddlyWiki.com documentation right into BAM 
> documentation  (standing tall on the shoulders of others), and adding my 
> own bits of documentation for the bits specific to BAM.
> Because I"m using TW 5.2.3, I nabbed an archived version of 
> TiddlyWiki.com, and I'm using that instance as the content provider for the 
> bits I need for my BAM documentation.
> It is a bit slow loading because that TW.com instance is big.  Eventually, 
> I'll trim it down to just what I need.

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