In my upcoming TiddlyWiki book 
<>, I have a number of 
snippets where I'd like to present side-by-side wikitext and rendered 
output. I've accomplished this by creating a template that displays two 
divs with 50% width, the contents of each div transcluding a different 
template in turn: a template that displays the current tiddler in block 
mode, and a template that displays the wikitext of the current tiddler.

The trick is in the wikitext template: I can't figure out how to get the 
built-in highlight.js syntax highlighter ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight) 
to apply to the wikitext being dynamically transcluded in this way. (The 
*HTML* language does a good enough job on wikitext that it's very helpful 
to have it.) The obvious methods like using a code fence fail since they 
literally display the transclusion syntax "{{!!text}}" or 
"<<currentTiddler>>" instead of the result of that transclusion. Currently 
my best attempt is the following:

<pre class="html hljs xml"><code><$text text={{!!text}}/></code></pre>

(I pulled the <pre><code> HTML out of my browser developer tools while 
displaying a normal code-fenced, highlighted snippet.)

This *almost* works, except the highlight plugin doesn't kick in. I suspect 
this might be since I am using a <$text> widget, but I don't know the 
plugin well enough to be sure that's the cause. If I try to remove the 
<$text> widget, TiddlyWiki first renders the contents of the tiddler and 
then embeds the resulting HTML within the <pre> block, which looks bizarre 
and still doesn't syntax-highlight anything, so that's no good anyway:

[image: foo.png]

Is there any way I can get the highlight plugin to apply to this 
transcluded wikitext?

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