
I hope the brains trust can help me with this, if not its an important 
lesson for us all because it is a quirk in TiddlyWiki that is quite 

If you are aware of the problem and find it annoying please chime in so we 
can see how much of a problem this may be.

I have a macro, which I will not show here, needless to say it returns one 
of three values. off, yes and no.
If I use the macro in any tiddler it works

This showed me it had both a leading/trailing space so I modified my macro 
to include the whitespace trim

\define design-mode()
\whitespace trim
Macro code

Now as soon as we try and use this in a filter, a simple example as follows;
<$list filter="[<design-mode>match[yes]]">
     Design mode details

<$text text=<<design-mode>>/>
This fails to ever display "Design mode details", because as the text 
widget shows, the macro contains the definition, not the result. Its only 
rendered at the end.

Now a known work around is to use the wikify widget, who's default 
<$wikify name=design text="""<<design-mode>>""">
   <$list filter="[<design>match[yes]]">
        Design mode details
This is so messy in the middle of a large macro or tiddler

   - Experience has told me use the wikify at the last possible moment or 
   you may nt get what you ask for, if something has changed elswhere in the 

When I use it in a viewTemplate I may want  to display in half a dozen 
places something according to the value in design-mode

   - My code becomes messy and complex and easy to break
   - We are forced to close the wikify widget as well, so we are always 
   having to set its scope. When we just want to respond to a value.
   - Moving the wikify widget into the macro to hide it from where the 
   macro is used will not work


   - Does anyone have an alternate code pattern that allows us to hide this 
   unfriendly requirement?


   - It has taken me years to understand the problem fully and develop this 
   workaround, occasionally I forget and get fragile non-working wiki text as 
   a result.
   - The wikify widget is overlikk for this. With all its other functions 
   and purposes why must we revert to it for a simple desire to compare values?
   - This must be fixed to stop people abandoning tiddlywiki or resulting 
   in many questions in the forum.
   - This is an unnecessary limitation on writing wiki text.


   - Surely we could find a way either a pragma in the macro definition, 
   - or an alternate way to reference a macro/variable that is is treated 
   as a wikified text result?
   - If not how we do this, ideally simply, however we must find a way to 
   fix this as its a thorn in out side.
   - If white space trim can operate on the result of the macro definition, 
   could we not also have a pragma to return only a wikified text result (on 
   the fly)


   - pragma such as `\whitespace trim text` or `\wikify' placed in a macro 
   definition, that forces wikification/evaluate and returns only text
   - an alternate way in filters to reference a variable or macro output eg 
   (macroname) that returns only a text result, pre-wikified.
   - Extending the list widget such we can list variables to be wikified as 
   text before use in the list widget or its filter.
   - Extending the variable substitution format to work in filters in the 
   main wikitext, not just in macros eg [[$(macroname)$]match[yes]] where the 
   result is substituted as text.
   - If a better method were not available a new widget such as "evaluate" 
   that was a cut down version of wikify that accepts a macro/variable name 
   and wikifies it as text (with the same name) could simplify the code and 
   the ability to understand. 
Please feel my pain and help us improve this.


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