I have the following problem. In a tiddler I wrote the title exactly as I 
did in the tag. Now I would like to insert the title as a tag name in a 
macro. However, 

<$ list [tag [<<CurrentTitle>>]] + [tag [$ art $]]>
does not work. at the moment my input looks like this. 

<< person-device-a "tiddler name" "geraeteart" >>

Since there are several types of devices, the macro is called several times. 
macro currently looks like this. 

\ define person-device-a (person type)
<tr valign = middle align = left> <th> $ art $ </th> 
<$ list filter = "[tag [$ art $] sort [title]] + [tag [$ person $] sort 
<td valign = middle align = center>
<$ list filter = "[tag [$ person $]] + [tag [$ art $] count []]"> </ $ list>

What I want is that I can save myself having to enter the tiddler name. Is 
there a way to do this?

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