Hi, all —

In my ongoing quest for translucent tiddlers, I've started using images of 
varying color and opacity as the background for my tiddlers.

However, it occurs to me that, instead of pointing to these images 
elsewhere, I could embed them in my TWs and reference them without having 
another resource to keep track of.

My current stylesheets look something like this:

.tc-story-river .tc-tiddler-view-frame {

But if I move that PNG into a tiddler ($:/backgrounds/92%white.png), can I 
transclude it into my stylesheet?

I'm including transcludeinline among my stylesheet tiddler's pragma:

\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef 
macrocallinline html

but I'm not pulling in the content (the image) from the tiddler.

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