I'm guessing this is related to timezone/display issues I've seen mentioned 
elsewhere, but there's something I don't understand about the `sameday` 

Here's the filter I'm working on:

<$list filter="[sameday:created[20210302]!is[system]!tag[Journal]]" >

I would expect to see tiddlers I created on 2021-03-02 but I only see those 
I created on 2021-03-01.

I'm trying to create a "daily" tiddler that simply transcludes the body of 
all other tiddlers I created that same day. I can cheat and use *tomorrow's* 
in the filter but that feels fragile and that one day TiddlyWiki's date 
handling will change and they'll all show the wrong tiddlers.

Related, is there a way to substitute the created date of the parent 
tiddler rather than hardcode it? Be nice to not need to have to manually 
enter the date each time.



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