If I have a list of tiddlers based on a draggable list, represented by the 
field "list" in that tiddler like this

<<list-links-draggable tiddler:"Today List" itemTemplate:

Is there a way to upon dropping the tiddler in the new position, get the 
tiddler title into a separate field, or better yet trigger another action 
upon the drop?

use case:  The list is originally generated by the sort order of each 
tiddlers field "priority".  What I want to do is either 

A) have the priority field of that tiddler change to one less than the 
tiddler it was dropped above


B) have the drop action trigger a separate macro to run which can pick out 
the priority of the dropped tiddler, and re-jigger all the priorities of 
all the tiddlers below it

- Dave

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