Ok, first things first - English is not my mother tongue and I'm new to 
TiddlyWiki and html/css coding or whatever programming language there is. 
SO, I'm really asking you guys to be very, very, very, very, very patient 
with me because I'm having this problem for several weeks now and I can't 
seem to get any solution from the internet or from various groups and 
tutorials that TiddlyWiki have in Youtube or... wherever. Basically, I'm 
asking for directions here,

ANYWAY, here's what I'm trying to achieve : Creating a slideshow of images.

I've tried doing it in a simple .html file (notepad/dreamweaver) and used 
several of html codes/css tutorials i found in www.w3schools.com and I've 
got no problem of any kind while doing so. And I thought it was a good idea 
to try those html codes in TiddlyWiki. 
Sad part is, I can't seem to do it.

I'm trying to put some Jscript in an individual tiddler with the html/css 
codes i copied from www.w3schools.com (slideshows, specifically) and I read 
back in some threads that TiddlyWiki doesn't allow execution of such codes 
for security purposes. Now, I've read in some articles that there's a way 
to make simple javascript happen in TIddlyWiki - which is something you 
guys probably know already - and tried "enabling" the script tags using 
this link ----> http://fiddle.tiddlyspot.com 
Tobias Beer was the one who mentioned it in one of his comments and I knew 
that when I imported it to my own wiki it worked, because there's this pop 
up message appearing at the top of the page every time i clicked on the new 
tiddler where i pasted the command saying like "caution: do not use 

I found a semblance of hope when that little alert message revealed itself 
to me and thought it was going to fix the problem and I saved my wiki first 
and reloaded it many times just to make sure I have everything refreshed 
and tried again. This time i followed the instructions from how to enable 
jscript in TiddlyWiki and made some changes: 

var slideIndex = 1;

function plusDivs(n) {
  showDivs(slideIndex += n);

function currentDiv(n) {
  showDivs(slideIndex = n);

function showDivs(n) {
  var i;
  var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides");
  var dots = document.getElementsByClassName("demo");
  if (n > x.length) {slideIndex = 1}
  if (n < 1) {slideIndex = x.length}
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
     x[i].style.display = "none";
  for (i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) {
     dots[i].className = dots[i].className.replace(" w3-opacity-off", "");
  x[slideIndex-1].style.display = "block";
  dots[slideIndex-1].className += " w3-opacity-off";

<<script 0>>

The images, the <div>, the alignment of the panels and everything works, it 
appeared on the tiddler and everything was where i wanted them to be - the 
only problem is the lines of codes under the function _____ {  ---->  which 
were all printed into the output of the tiddler, and the buttons and the 
"animations" of the slideshow didn't work, at all. And me, being completely 
clueless about everything, searched for answers in every page i can get my 
browser into about how to properly use the function code (Good lord I don't 
even now what it's called.) but it's either i didn't understand anything in 
the tutorials or I missed the important articles that would've helped me 
save myself from feeling miserable and finally end my crippling agony,

I just want to have some kind of slideshow/animations in my tiddlywiki. 
I've read about the widgets and stuff and plugins that some developers work 
on but none of them seems to fit what i want my Wiki to look like overall - 
and I'm not trying to make the grandest of Tiddler of all times or 
anything, mind you. I just want to know if it's possible to do what I'm 
trying to DO (Jeez, does that make sense?) or is there anyone who can point 
me towards helpful articles/tutorials about this? I know it's all one 
"type" away in google but I'm lost and hungry and I haven't slept so well 
these past few days because of searching the vast and dangerous sea that is 
the internet... I know, stupid right?

SLICES IN A BOX would be greaaaaaaatttlllyyyyy appreciated. 


(i think this is the word most people used in web groups, and i kinda feel 
like using it too hihi...)


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