I found a few examples online that show how to use a template that will 
transclude the title of a tiddler above the body text. However, I tried 
creating such a template and applying it to the Tabs macro and it doesn't 
wikify the Title, or in fact anything I try to type there.  What I really 
want is for it to display as a main header (and even better, make it a link 
to open the tiddler outside the tab for editing).

For example:  if I try this, in a template:

<$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTab>>>
! <$view field="title"/>
<$transclude mode="block"/>

If I apply this template to the tabs macro, the body text shows up fine, but 
the title is plain text with ! in front. 
In fact any text I type there doesn't seem to by wikified.(like: !Test Title)

This seems the same as other examples I've found online, so I'm not sure if 
there is something different when using the tabs macro.
Or maybe something changed in recent versions of TW that requires a different 
way? I appreciate any tips!

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