I've been trying to get DataTiddlerPlugin to work in a TW2.41 that is
available at work.  For various reasons I can't go into, I can't
simply download or cut/paste into this network.  So, I printed the
tiddler out and have rekeyed it, apparently with some mistakes I can't
find.  It passes the Plugin Manager tests, but fails when trying to
parse data into a table. So, I'm looking for some hints as to where to
go thru a hex dump (real detail, real pain)!
I figure it is somewhere in the <<showData>> macro, but it is not in
<<showData JSON>> variant.  When I use the 'JSON' option, the data
renders properly.
The error message that appears on the sample data line of the plugin
(after reload) and in any sample tiddler I have created is:
"JSONError: Unrecognized token ("isVIP": true, "user": "John Brown",
"age": 34 })"
I've noted the lack of a left curly bracket in the string while the
right one is present and have gone over the JSON routines from line
730 on, several times without spotting the cause.  My thought was the
left curly was properly parsed, but the double quotes symbol was not,
leading to the rejection of the rest of the data string.  I don't know
Javascript, and am haiving difficulty with the uncommented detail
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm looking in the right place, even though
this seems the likeliest place.  So, I'm asking Udo, or any other JS-
guru to perhaps give me some hints where to focus my search.
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