I know this has been discussed ad nauseum but I can't make it work for me. 
Can someone explain it to me, preferably in English and not rocketese, so I 
can understand it. I'm working in Firefox 55.0.3, on Windows 7.0, using 
Tiddlywiki 5.1.14. And I'm specifically working on parallax tiddlers. I 
have that working pretty well when using internal jpgS. I have gotten it to 
work with image files that reside on the hard disk in the root directory 
but I don't want to clutter that directory more than necessary.

The image I want to use is inori.jpg and it is located in 

I've trying to create an image tiddler of type image/jpeg and added a 
source field. My first try was to enter 
file:///C:/Images/Backgrounds/inori.jpg in the source field since that 
worked with the browser itself and since something similar seems to work 
with Motovun Jack.jpg... but I get nothing. I've tried about every 
combination of forward slashes and back slashes I can come up with and 
nothing happens. I would try using a _canonical_uri if I had first clue 
what the appropriate entry would be in this case. 

And this next part ... perhaps only Jeremy can answer this one... When I do 
figure out how to get my image into a wiki, will the datauri macro work on 

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