Re: [tw] Is it possible to change WikiText reserved characters? #question

2016-05-03 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Josiah > Prefixing with "." is okay. But I would rather not have to do that. Its not > elegant. The other way of thinking about it might be to use `#` as a keyboard shortcut that brings up a text field for a new tag to be typed. That way you can use your muscle memory for typing tags, and

Re: [tw] Is it possible to change WikiText reserved characters? #question

2016-05-03 Thread progetti
Jeremy Thanks for taking time to give a detailed reply. I get it. I completely agree that legacy issues matter. But, at the same time, the way that the "#hashtag" has evolved into a broad cultural referencing system (tradition #2) creates a tension with WikiText (tradition #1). The OED now

Re: [tw] Is it possible to change WikiText reserved characters? #question

2016-05-03 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Josiah > Is there a way to change WikiText's "#" for a LESS USED character? TiddlyWiki’s wiki text reserves # for numbered lists, but only at the start of a new line. So, you could adopt a convention of preceding your hashtags with, say, a dot: — This is a note. .#mytag #anothertag

[tw] Is it possible to change WikiText reserved characters? #question

2016-05-03 Thread progetti
Ciao Small issue. Over the years I have got used to using "#" (hashtag/pound sign/octothorp) in notes to myself and in Twitter posts. Its a great thing to use consistently as I can search for strings like "#surveillance" IN tiddler content TEXT without me having to create yet another tag for