Hey everyone,

I'm a software developer and just started using TiddlyWiki a few days ago, 
and I would just like to share my perspective on it so far.

TW is fantastic, and I didn't even know something like this existed. I've 
had this almost subconscious feeling for years now that I needed to have 
some kind of easy workflow for documentation, not only for work, but for my 
life in general. I have been looking for a mixture between wiki, blog, and 
journal solutions using markup syntax like markdown, but completely 
private, version controlled, and stored in text files.

Even after only a few days I'm fully convinced TW is the answer I've been 
looking for. Right now I'm running it on nodejs using TW folders, not 
single file, and using a git repo for syncing/backing up/version control.

With that said, here are some of my concerns or just some of my particular 

   - TW is extremely powerful and flexible, and the software dev side of me 
   wants to over engineer it. However, my main objective is to document my 
   life in a form that is as technology platform independent as possible, as 
   close to just plain text files as possible, so that I don't rely on TW 
   still being around 30 years from now, or rely on remembering how to 
   use/maintain the infrastructure I created. So while macros, variables, 
   plugins, etc. are all very interesting and powerful, I want to limit these 
   as much as possible, and just use the built in markup language (WikiText) 
   and the regular tagging/linking system.
   - The tagging system is great, but the fact that titles of tiddlers are 
   unique identifiers is taking a while for me to get used to. I'm anxious 
   every time I create a new tiddler because I feel like I need to put a lot 
   of thought in to the title, knowing that it has to be unique, but also 
   easily referenced via a link or tag. 
   - Part of my anxiety from above has to do with trying to fit everything 
   in my life (wiki, journal, to-do lists, etc) in one TW, and thus the titles 
   take on even more importance because as I add things for the next 20 years, 
   it still needs to be organized, and every title needs to be unique. I could 
   use multiple TW's, however then I lose the ability to link between concepts 
   across multiple TW's, and trying to update TW and keeping a consistent set 
   of plugins, macros, etc across multiple TW's would be a nightmare. Not to 
   mention, I would need to spin up multiple TW's at once if I wanted a full 
   picture of my life, which would be disconnected since it's spread across 
   multiple TW's.
   - So really my concerns have nothing to do with TW itself, but just how 
   to best organize everything in my life into tags and titles, coming up with 
   naming conventions and structure.

I guess what would be nice is if there was a way to have everything in one 
TW, but namespaced or some other ability to have multiple contexts, so that 
you could have simple titles like "TODO List" but it would be context aware 
such that it could be under a specific project and I wouldn't have to worry 
about conflicts with other tiddlers named "TODO List". This way, I would 
still only have to worry about maintaining and updating plugins, macros, 
etc for one TW, and I could link between contexts using some namespace 
convention. I realize I could create a namespacing convention of my own, 
but then I would end up with a lot of added complexity.

Anyway, that's my perspective on TW after a few days. I have a lot to 
learn, but I'm really excited I found this.

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