> We are two people maintaining distinct TiddlyWikis.  However, we have
> some content that we propose to share.  My question is: What is the
> best way to do this?

Well, that depends... Technically, the best way would probably to set up 
a shared server-side like TiddlyWeb[1].

> If I want to link to a specific article in the other TW, I can
> "permaview" there tiddler I want to link to.  However, this poses a
> problem that if that articles name changes (this happens
> occasionally), then the link will become broken.

Indeed - that's a general issue on the web, of course.[2]

> Another possibility (which I haven't played with yet) is to import the
> tiddler from the other TW, and choose to keep them synchronized.  My
> question is... does the synch fail if the tiddler in question gets a
> name change?  Same as hyperlinking?

Yes, because by default, tiddler titles are also the identifiers.
There are plugins for creating aliases though:

One could imagine using unique and persistent IDs for tiddlers, changing 
the ViewTemplate to use a separate field for the caption being 
displayed. However, linking to UUIDs requires more effort than linking 
to more human titles.

> Also, any suggestions on the best way to coordinate between two TWs
> would be appreciated.

I think synchronizing is the way to go.
There's also TiddlyChatter[3], but I'm not sure how easy that is to set 
up, or how mature it is.

-- F.

[1] http://tiddlyweb.com
[2] http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI
[3] http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/TiddlyChatter

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