> I am using the HTMLFormatterPlugin (and fck editor plugin), and found
> my references lists do not work.  I believe it is because of this
> bug:  http://dev.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/967

Nope.  Not the problem.  Bug #967 relates to use of *alternative*
formatters for *TiddlyLinks*.  HTMLFormattingPlugin simply applies the
*standard* TiddlyWiki formatters to content enclosed within HTML
blocks.  This includes the standard TiddlyLink formatter.

The problem actually originates with this TW core function:
which scans the tiddler source content for link *patterns*.  However,
this scan specifically excludes content enclosed within any of the
following blocks:

   /% comment %/



   nowiki formatting

   nowiki formatting

   HTML content

   script code

These blocks are excluded from scanning for links because, under
normal usage, they cannot contain any TiddlyLinks.  Of course,
HTMLFormattingPlugin changes the rendering logic for <html>...</html>
so that it *can* have TiddlyLinks embedded within it.  Unfortunately,
the core's .changed() function doesn't know this.

Normally, I'd just make the plugin 'hijack' the core function to add
pre- or post- processing to handle the needed logic, but this
particular function doesn't really lend it self to that kind of
tweaking.  In addition, in order to address the problem described in
#957, it will likely be necessary to re-write (or at least re-factor)
the core function so that plugins can properly customize the logic it
uses to scan for links.

Sorry I don't have a fix ready for you... try to be patient.  "Bump"
this message in about a week or two to remind me.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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