I apologize for using pictures to explain this, but I've no idea what the 
right words are. I was looking at the examples for the Json Editor plug-in, 
when I wondered if there might be a way to dodge having to deal with 
wikitext all the time and just make templates with editable fields. But 
then I realized I didn't really want the fields to look editable all the 
time since, for one thing, that tends to take up more space. So, after some 
thinking, I came up with a kind of template flowchart since I couldn't 
write a good explanation for what I decided I wanted to do and how I wanted 
to design a TW for tracking my story writing stuff. The arrows indicate 
which tiddler is using which as some kind of reference. Does it make sense? 
(I can try to explain more if asked, but it will probably take a lot of 

The main question I have right now is: is it even possible to use common 
gui design features (textboxes, drop-down menus, color picker buttons, etc) 
as part of a process of editing a data tiddler (separate from the tiddler 
that is displaying the gui stuff, of course, since tiddlers can't 
self-edit. I think?) *without* the Json Editor Plug-in? (Since that plug-in 
is no longer being updated)

I will need the gui features in order to make the Value-of-Fields Editing 
Tiddler Template I'm hoping to use. I'm probably misusing terminology 
somewhere, but hopefully I'm close enough to be understood. I'm relearning 
TW after years of not using it, so forgive my ignorance. Also, all the 
current global events have worn my mental state ragged (hence why I once 
again need a TW outside my head to keep track of things), so forgive me if 
I've overlooked something obvious.

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