Hi everyone,

I'm new here and have been immersing myself in TW for the past week or so. 
Thanks for sharing so much in this group — it's been incredibly helpful to 
search through and find resources.

After feeling comfortable with TW I thought I had all things worked out and 
suddenly ran into an odd error, of which I've now identified the source. 
The challenge is: I can't figure out how to fix it so thought I'd share 
here and see if anyone else has had this situation and/or has ideas how to 

I'm working with a fresh install of TW in node.js and it's all working well 
I then added Stroll, Tooltips plugin 
<https://giffmex.org/gifts/transclusioninpopups.html>, and Markdown plugin 
<http://demo.santosa.family/#tw5-markdown>. I've also made many tiddlers, 
all of which are working well.

When I went to generate 
static site, I got errors in my terminal:
$ tiddlywiki --rendertiddlers [!is[system]] 
$:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html ./static text/plain
            const tree = dom.parseFromString(source, 'text/html');

TypeError: Cannot read property 'parseFromString' of undefined
    at new MarkdownParser ($:/plugins/anstosa/tw5-markdown/wrapper.js:99:30)
    at $tw.Wiki.exports.parseText ($:/core/modules/wiki.js:902:9)
    at $:/core/modules/wiki.js:921:16
    at $tw.Wiki.exports.getCacheForTiddler ($:/core/modules/wiki.js:840:23)
    at $tw.Wiki.exports.parseTiddler ($:/core/modules/wiki.js:917:24)
    at $tw.Wiki.exports.parseTextReference ($:/core/modules/wiki.js:933:16)
    at TranscludeWidget.execute 
    at TranscludeWidget.render ($:/core/modules/widgets/transclude.js:32:7)
    at ListItemWidget.Widget.renderChildren 
    at ListItemWidget.render ($:/core/modules/widgets/list.js:299:7)
After exploring, I realized that when tiddlers are type text/x-markdown, 
the render spits out this error. When I change *all* tiddlers 
to text/vnd.tiddlywiki the render works well and the static site files are 

I haven't done anything other than click and drag the files over from the 
install sites, as the authors note.

Anyone have any idea what could be causing this? It's boggling my mind and 
I want to use markdown! Ha!

Thanks everyone,

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