By accident I learned an amazing feature of *macrocall* widget during 
experimenting with *Thomas Elmiger* extract macro.

Thomas used variable to make aliases of macro and call them using 
*macrocall* based on different condition.

As an example see (this is only for demo purpose, so it is very simple)

\define mac(mytag, output:"simple")

<$list filter="[tag[$mytag$]]" variable=v>
<$macrocall $name=<<__output__>> p=<<v>> />


where simple here can be for example

\define simple(p)
<span style="color:red"><$view text=<<__p__>> /></span><br>

You can call mac like

<<mac "Concepts">>

Now you can have a customized output like

\define myout(p)
<li><$text text=<<__p__>>/></li>

<<mac Concepts output:"myout">>

So, this is a great TW5 capability and you can send your customized output 
to a macro already developed by other.
This can also be used for core macro and lets user customize their output.

You can test this on! 


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