Dear all,

In a Node.js Javascript project, I want to use TiddlyWiki to display data.

To run Node methods, I need to create modules with "module-type: 
utils-node" (if I understand it well), thus I can reach them through 
$tw.utils. These will only be loaded by TiddlyWiki if $:/info/node is "yes" 
(so the value of $tw.node is not null). I have several Node wiki, checked 
in each (in the browser), but it seems that nowhere does it detects that 
the wiki is running under Node, because viewing $:/info/node in the browser 
says "no".

I'm confused, because if I check in the code, it detects that it is running 
under Node.

$tw.boot.argv = ['myproject', '--listen'];

// {}
// yes

If I create a widget that uses this Node module, it doesn't work in the 
browser, instead of the widget, RSOD appears: $tw.utils.myNodeFunction is 
not a function

My question is how can I use the Node module in the browser?

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