Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-03 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
Thanks for the heads up. I'm forking osm-carto, but I haven't been following it 
much, mostly for lack of time. I can keep the experiment alive while I reimport 
Europe, if you want.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-03 Thread Jochen Topf via Tile-serving
Carto switched to flex last week, see

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-03 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
osm-carto still uses the `pgsql` output, and my style is a fork of that one, so 
for now I'm forced to keep using it. There are efforts to use `flex`, but as 
far as my low attention span can tell, it's not done yet. Here:

As for a reproducer, I just wrote a script to count subway routes with a colour 
tag before and after updating the Paris region. I know for a fact there are 190 
routes and all have the tag, and I hope no new lines are in the near future and 
nobody breaks them :) 

Once I catch a difference, I can come up with a reproducer. This might take a 
while, tho. I'm closing for now.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-03 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
Closed #2192 as resolved.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-03 Thread Jochen Topf via Tile-serving
Sorry, you lost me. The issues seem to be jumping around here. If I understand 
correctly you are saying that some data is not updated correctly. But without a 
clear repeatable minimal case, nobody is going to be able to track this down. 
So: We need an input file, a change file, all config files and the command line 
used that clearly shows the problem.

And another thing: The pgsql output is now deprecated. Even if there is 
something wrong with it, it is unlikely this will get much attention. Please 
switch to the flex output.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
I have another example:

-- freshly imported ile-de-france-latest.osm.pbf
paris=# SELECT
COALESCE(tags->'colour', tags->'color', 'red') as color
  FROM planet_osm_line
  WHERE osm_id = -3328716; -- Ligne 11 subway
(2 rows)
--- Europe imported on 2024-09-30T20:21:15Z updated daily
europe=# SELECT
COALESCE(tags->'colour', tags->'color', 'red') as color
  FROM planet_osm_line
  WHERE osm_id = -3328716;
(2 rows)

I still think something's fishy.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
Thanks, that was it. I just noticed that there are **3** line tables: 
`planet_osm_ways`, `planet_osm_roads` AND `planet_osm_lines`.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread Jochen Topf via Tile-serving
The `roads` table only contains major roads, for small zoom levels. You have to 
look into the `lines` table for that way 983355274.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
Reopened #2192.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
> `--hstore` or `-k` adds any tags not already in a conventional column to a 
> hstore column called tags. With the default stylesheet this would result in 
> tags like highway appearing in a conventional column while tags not in the 
> style like `name:en` or `lanes:forward` would appear only in the hstore 
> column.

> `--hstore-all` or `-j` adds all tags to a hstore column called tags, even if 
> they’re already stored in a conventional column.

I don't think that's what I want.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
osm2pgsql version 2.0.0
Libosmium 2.20.0
Proj 9.5.0
Lua 5.3.6

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread ImreSamu via Tile-serving
> I import that .pbf:   osm2pgsql  ...  --hstore  

Perhaps it might be better to use `--hstore-all` instead of `--hstore` .  Could 
you test it with that option as well?
By the way, which osm2pgsql version are you using? (v1 or v2)

in the :
   > `--hstore-all` or `-j` adds all tags to a hstore column called tags, even 
if they’re already stored in a conventional column. With the standard 
stylesheet this would result in tags like `highway` appearing in conventional 
column and the hstore column while tags not in the style like name:en or 
lanes:forward would appear only in the hstore column.   

  > You can not use both `--hstore` and `--hstore-all` together.

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Re: [Tile-serving] [osm2pgsql-dev/osm2pgsql] hstore not importing some tags? (Discussion #2192)

2024-11-02 Thread Marcos Dione via Tile-serving
Ok, I know this was closed, but the only answer I got was why I was getting two 
borders instead of one.

But the original question remains: why some tags are not imported? I just found 
the same again today.

While trying to report another instance of this, I got a  question about 
`osm_id`: are they stable?

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B: 

europe=# select tags from planet_osm_roads where osm_id = 983355274;
(0 rows)

This way is 3yo and I reimported Europe recently, and been updating it daily.

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