Greetings Paul,

The Racal 9475 does have some inherent shortcomings, the principal one is due 
to the power supply and the lack of the purpose-designed heat sink for the FRK 
module.  The unit is built into a “heat-sink case” but to keep the FRK base 
plate within the specified temperature range Racal had to operate it from a 
23.5 V supply.  The power supply originally had a magnificent C-core 
transformer which produced a rather too-high output voltage consequently the 
raw d.c. supply was rather high.  The main supply voltage regulator has a 
rather weird configuration to facilitate heat sinking the pass transistor to 
the case and this unfortunately precludes using a battery back-up.

What Racal overlooked is that with a linear regulator the total amount of heat 
dissipated is sensibly constant so the FRK module dissipates less heat than if 
it were operated at a higher voltage and the PSU pass transistor dissipates 
more heat.  When the case is opened a well-used 9475 usually stinks of “hot 
electronics”!  The problem is compounded by the fact that the 5 V logic supply 
regulator is not adjustable, it is essentially a high current follower from the 
tap of the R62/R63 potential divider across the 23.5 V main supply rail.

In my experience, FRK modules produce their best performance when operated  
from a supply voltage between 27 V and 28 V, selected for individual units but 
27.6 V is a good starting figure.  At this voltage the FRK module needs the 
special heat sink if operated at high ambient temperature.

More recent versions of the 9475 have a good but lower-quality mains 
transformer (perfectly  adequate for its intended purpose) which has a lower 
output voltage and this has mitigated the heat dissipation by the PSU pass 

The first thing to do is to monitor the voltage of the 5 V logic supply 
(between TP2 and TP3) and increase the voltage of the 23.5 V main supply rail 
(R39) until the 5 V rail is as much above 5 V as you care to risk for the 
74-series ICs used.  A safe starting point is 5.2 V but I am wary of going too 
close to 5.5 V.  I have succeeded in getting several recalcitrant 9475s working 
properly by this simple ploy of increasing the supply voltage to the FRK 
module.  In my experience an FRK module operated a with a supply voltage lower 
than 24 V is prone to failing to lock or intermittent locking after long use.

The complete cure is to increase the value of R36 to produce 5 V with the 
voltage measured between TP2 and TP3 with the 23.5 V rail wound up to between 
27 V and 28 V.  This cures the high internal dissipation problem and 
considerably improves the performance of the FRK module but the special heat 
sink is necessary for operation in high ambient temperature or with poor 

There are a few incidental modifications which I like to do to 9475s.  They 
were designed when one could have whatever colour of LEDs which one wished 
provided that the colour was red!  I like green LEDs for the “normal” situation 
and with the ready availability of LEDs of different colours it is easy to 
follow the IEC recommendation of orange for “power on” and green for “normal 
situation”.  The “Rb lock” indicator (LP50) is already green but it is worth 
changing the “Power on” indicator (LP51) to orange or yellow and I consider it 
essential to change the “1 MHz” indicators (LP52, LP53, and LP54) to green.  If 
4 greens are showing the unit is locked and the outputs are OK which is 
perceived with a quick glance.

These mods and adjustments are simple and easy to do.  Unfortunately it is not 
nearly so easy to arrange a battery back up facility so it is wise to operate 
the unit from a UPS.  The warm-up frequency drift of an FRK module is still 
detectable 6 weeks or 1000 hours after starting from cold.  The 9475 was 
apparently intended for supplying the 1 MHz reference frequency for the 
synthesisers in Naval communications equipment and its drift is sufficiently 
low for this application within about 2 hours of starting from cold, however 
Time-nuts are more discerning!

At the time of the introduction of the 9475, Racal were the agents for Efratom 
but went to great lengths to save the cost of the special heat sink for the FRK 
module and in my opinion “spoiled the ship for a ha’p’orth of tar” (for US 
readers ha’p’orth is a colloquial expression for a “half-pennyworth” of old UK 
money, about 1/250th of 1 US$ at the present rate of exchange).  False economy 
is also the reason for the 5 V regulator in the 9475, at the time of its design 
7805 regulators cost an arm and a leg!

There are not really any other worthwhile mods.  The quality of the 1 MHz 
outputs is remarkably good considering how they are derived.  In my experience 
FRK modules usually work satisfactorily if the “lamp voltage” is above 5 V (it 
should really be above 8 V but rarely is in disposal units).  It is also 
worthwhile to occasionally tweak the FRK trimmer to keep the oscillator control 
voltage around mid-range, i.e. 10 - 12 V.

It is not recommended to leave the 9475 meter switch in the oscillator control 
voltage position, the meter amplifier has too low an input impedance.  Using a 
high input impedance op-amp as a voltage follower on both the lamp voltage and 
oscillator control voltage outputs of the FRK module and switching the meter to 
measure the appropriate output voltage is a mod which some may consider useful 
- the temperature coefficients of Q12 and Q13 do not cancel and, unlike that of 
the Q12/Q13 meter amplifier, the high input impedance of the op-amp does not 
load the oscillator control voltage monitoring output enough to significantly 
affect the output frequency.

The 9475 is a good “starter” atomic frequency standard, it is reliable and easy 
to service and the FRK module is also easy to service.  Careful setting up of 
the FRK module improves its stability.  The older FRK modules found in old 
9475s have a high oscillator control voltage which suddenly falls when lock is 
established while in more recent FRK modules the oscillator control voltage 
“hunts” up and down until lock is obtained on falling voltage.  Lock is usually 
obtained in about 5 minutes at normal ambient temperature though the output 
frequencies still changes slowly for a relatively long time.

I hope that this is helpful.

If any Time-nuts reading this know of a source of not-too-expensive heat sinks 
for FRK modules, I would be glad to receive details.  I wish to obtain two but 
I am a pensioner and cannot afford the cost of having them specially 
manufactured - the cost of the CNC setup kills it stone dead! 

Roger T.

On Tue, 1 May 2018 10:18:35 +0100, "Paul Bicknell" <> 

> Hi all new member hear could any of you help with the following information
> As I have just bought a Racal 9475 Rubidium and it has problems
> Is there any stock faults ?
> What is the life of the rubidium standard?
> Regards Paul 
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