Dave M wrote:
From: Chris Wilson <ch...@chriswilson.tv>

Ready made or to be built? Use a divide-by-10 (7490-like) set to
divide with 50% duty cycle or divide by 5 then by 2.

Thanks for the reply Azelio.

Sorry, should have said, ready built, got too many half finished jobs
on the go right now. FAR too many according to my wife....

Will be needing some sort of line distribution amplifier soon, been
buying test gear! I believe some people have had good results with TV
aerial distribution amps?


      Best Regards,
                  Chris Wilson.

I use a couple Extron ADA3-80 Audio/Video distribution amps for my
bench. They are almost always available on our favorite auction site.
Search for extron distribution amp

They are low cost ($15 - $50) and depending on the exact model, can
distribute up to 12 channels.
TV antenna amplifiers generally won't do the job... they are meant
for RF from 50 MHz upwards.

Dave M
A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after
that is the beginning of a new argument.

Sorry, I hit the SEND button a moment too soon. I meant to add that you can get more info about the Extron DAs at http://www.ko4bb.com/ham_radio/Extron_3_80/
Do go there and read.   Good info there.

Dave M
A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after
that is the beginning of a new argument.

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