I really thought I could be for once in my life be "in with the

I had my little Canon Mini-DV camera setup facing my Ball/Efratom
MGPS display.  The picture was clear, the focus was good... And
5 minutes before the appointed time, I started recording, and got
a very good recording of the leap second...Yea!

Wanting to be in, with the in-crowd, I immediately took my prize
to my office, and I plugged my firewire cable into my camera, and
went searching around the back of my PC for the firewire socket
and .... drat!  It didn't have one!

I pulled the firewire card out of my old PC, and plugged it into
my new PC, and ..... double drat!  It crashed the PC hard, it
wouldn't even boot the BIOS... I thought these things were
supposed to be standardized... They are made in China, after all.

I tried the firewire connector on my laptop, and again ... Drat!
Drat! Drat!  It doesn't even seem my camera.

Finally, I picked up a couple of new firewire cards from my not
so local recycler, and plugged them into my PC, and was able to
download the recording of the leap second into my PC, and make a
screen capture of the blessed (cursed?) event.

It is displayed herewith.

Moral of the story is, if you want to be in with the in-crowd,
and you are just a mere mortal (like me), you had better
rehearse *all* of the steps in advance.

A happy Independence Day to everyone in the USA!

-Chuck Harris
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