Hello everyone,

I have released Version 2.0 of Darkgps, the GPS receiver
control software.

DarkGPS consists of a Linux based, open source, software suite that allows
you to fully control your GPS receiver. The software supports
all 6, 8 and 12 channel Motorola GPS receivers and the
HP Z3801A, GPS based, frequency reference source.

Included in the software is:

gpsdisplay - to control the GPS receiver, display receiver data and 
generate data
            of receiver parameters, including HTML output.
gpschart   - to create graphs of HP receiver parameters.
ntpscon    - which can be used to share GPS receiver data over the net.
Utilities  - to perform administrative functions.

You can download the software from the download section
on the GS3 Technologies Web Site: http://www.gs3tech.com/

To see a few of the capabilities of the software, go to the
darksmile.net web site:



George Hrysanthopoulos

time-nuts mailing list

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