I was wondering what kind of Phase Noise performance benchmarks Time Nuts have 
achieved in their labs. I have been rebuilding my Time and Freq test system for 
the last few years and at times it has been humbling to say the least. I am 
finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel and seem to have gotten the 
systemic noise down to where I can really start comparing the individual 
oscillators I have come across over the years. My approach was to place 
everything in several Agilent equipment racks and I have even questioned the 
wisdom of that more then once as I have struggled to set up a state of the art 
system. My system can be Phase locked, and the various quartz oscillators can 
be configured in series and parallel so each element of the system can be 
compare. I know the simplest approach is a Phase Noise test set a Ref and DUT 
oscillators some batteries loose on a bench with some filters and  devices to 
break ground loops. So what real word combined uncertainty number have you been 
 able to achieve at 5-10MHz at an offset of 1Hz 10Hz and noise floor. I 
struggled at several points originally with systemic noise due to ground loops 
from all the LAN, USB, and coaxial cables interconnecting the system elements 
and "soaking" between reference signals due to sheilding issues from normal 
RG/58 cables and the verious Cesium, GPS, and Quartz standards. Slowly the 
system has improved from a shaky start for 5MHz at around -105db @ 1Hz toward 
my compromised goal of 5Mhz at -120dB @ 1Hz. I am hoping find ideas on how to 
surpass -120db @ 1Hz.  I have heard some impressive number from some of the 
distiguished members and it would be interesting to how those numbers were 
achieved, and what was used as a reference and measurement system. Thanks and 
Happy New Years.

Thomas Knox

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