We brought up our second Thunderbolt last week.  We use these to provide a 
standard frequency for all our test gear, and in our calibration process for 
production boards.
One unit feeds engineering, and the other feeds production, with a spare unit 
on the shelf, so that if either the engineering or production TB goes down, we 
can switch to the other live unit in seconds, and then replace the dead one 
when convenient.   There’s a spare antenna on the side as well. Both units feed 
distribution amps, and we have a direct tap for each unit to a scope which 
shows both sine waves in real time.

I had the new one running the long site survey over the weekend, and I was 
extremely pleased to see both sine waves looking as if I was seeing both ends 
of a cable.
NO perceivable drift between them.  I’m sure there is a little, but I feel like 
I need a calendar rather than a stopwatch to measure it.

I know it’s what I should expect with these, but seeing two independent 
oscillators acting like this reminds me of my first experience playing a DVD.  
When I pulled the disc out, NO REWINDING!
I felt compelled to trace the cables to be SURE I was seeing the right signals.

Technology is wonderful when it works.  😊

Anyway, just had to share that with folks who get it.

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