when i was programing (motework2) the blink program/or any program
(in xbow tutorial)to  the IRIS(XM2110) through USB programmer MIB520.

i wrote in the shell of programmer's notepad  " make m2100 reinstall
mib520 ,com8"

bt it is not working and shows this error   *** empty variable name.  Stop.

how can i progrm it correctly.

Command:   make m2100 reinstall mib520 ,com8
Cygwin:    C:\Crossbow\cygwin\bin
Directory: C:\Crossbow\cygwin\opt\MoteWorks\apps\tutorials\MyApp\
"/opt/MoteWorks/tools/bin/ide.pl 'make m2100 reinstall mib520 ,com8'
bash: [: /home/Lince: binary operator expected
ide.pl Ver:$Id: ide.pl,v 2006/05/29 07:22:52 lwei Exp $
Executing: /opt/MoteWorks/apps/tutorials/MyApp/ bash -c "make m2100
reinstall mib520 ,com8"
/opt/MoteWorks/make/Makerules:63: *** empty variable name.  Stop.

> Process Exit Code: 0
> Time Taken: 00:01
> "C:\Crossbow\PN\IDE.bat" 
> "C:\Crossbow\cygwin\opt\MoteWorks\apps\tutorials\MyApp\" 
> "C:\Crossbow\cygwin\bin" "make iris"
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