          when i am using only 2 motes with the TOSBASE code, it is working fine between these two motes  upto the queue size..........
 i tested the same with 4 motes...........the first mote gets the data via the uart using the get event and sends to the mote2 via the radio.......the second mote receives the packet and sends it to mote3 via the radio using the TOSBASE code in which " uartsend.send" is been replaced by Radiosend.send ..........similarly the third mote and from the third mote it is being sent to the uart using the uartsend.send.............
          my problem is when i am uising only 2 motes it is working fine i.e i am able to see all the packets in the uart which i am sending from the uart......but when i am using more than 2 motes .....i am not able to get the packets on the uart.....why.......
           can u help me out with this............
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