Some subscribers to TIPS might be interested in a recent post "Can Introductory 
Course Students Learn Much From Textbooks?" [Hake (2013)].  The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT: PhysLrnR's Diane Grayson (2013) in her post "Flipped classrooms" 
pointed to physicist Jim Gerhart as one who utilized what she (and the 
PhysLrnRs responding to her post) ahistorically regard as the "flipped 
classroom," i.e., requiring students to *read* material to be discussed in 
class *before* attending the class. 

Sure enough, in his Millikan Award acceptance speech Gerhart (1986) at  
<> wrote: "I announce to my classes that I will not 
deliver any expository lectures on physics, that they will have to read their 
texts carefully if they are to follow what does take place in class."

Gerhart reinterates an ancient theme: predating or contemporary with Gerhart's 
read-the-textbook-before-class method:

a. Over 2 centuries ago, Samuel Johnson <>, via James 
Boswell (1791) at <> said "People have nowadays . . . got a 
strange opinion that everything should be taught by lectures. Now, I cannot see 
that lectures can do so much good as reading the books from which the lectures 
are taken. Lectures were once useful; but now, when we can all read, and books 
are so numerous, lectures are unnecessary."

b. A half-century ago, chemist Frank Lambert (1963) <> in 
"Editorially Speaking: Effective Teaching of Organic Chemistry" at 
<> wrote: "Why do instructors ignore the contribution of 
Johann Gutenberg to chemistry? Thanks to him, we now have movable type! A few 
chemists can write books which are readable. Why then do we fail to use these 
excellent modern texts as the principal bases for our courses?". . . . . 

c. Contemporary with Gerhart, the late chemist Robert Morrison (1986) 
<> delivered his classic talk "The Lecture System in 
Teaching Science" at <>. Therein he said: "I happened to 
run into Frank Lambert . . . . . He was urging what he called 'the Gutenberg 
Method' of teaching - because, of course, it was based on the fact that the 
printing press had been invented several hundred years ago.  Frank became my 
guru.  I still mentally bow towards the west when this subject comes up."

BUT WAIT! Gerhart, Lambert, and Morrison seem to have had evidence that most of 
their students were, in fact, capable of substantial learning from textbooks.  
That such learning may NOT have been the case has been suggested by POD's Russ 
Hunt at <>; Math-EdCC's "Haim" at <>; 
and NAEP's Perie & Moran (2005) at <>.  

The latter wrote on p. 15: "only 5 to 7 percent of 17-year-olds demonstrated 
performance at level 350—the ability to learn from and synthesize specialized 
reading materials."   

To access the complete 15 kB post please click on <>.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
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For William Hogarth's (1736) <> skewering of the lecture 
method see "Scholars at a Lecture" <>.

REFERENCES [URL shortened by and accessed on 06 Sept. 2013.]
Hake, R.R. 2013. "Can Introductory Course Students Learn Much From Textbooks?" 
online on the OPEN! AERA-L archives at <>. Post of o6 Sep 
2013 12:06:06-0400 to AERA-L, NetGold. The abstract and link to the complete 
post are being transmitted to various discussion lists and are also on my blog 
"Hake'sEdStuff" at <> with provision for comments.   

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