Some subscribers to TIPS and TeachEdPsych might be interested in a 
post "Is Physics Difficult? [Hake (2010)].  The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT: Robert Kaiser of the Physics First List wrote 
(paraphrasing): "Why are we still asking the silly question 'Should 
children learn some physics ideas in the 7th, 8th or 9th grade?' 
OBVIOUSLY THEY SHOULD. We have English reading, writing story 
analysis, etc., from 1st grade to 12th grade. Same for History and 
Math: children start with almost nothing, but with many years of 
exposure, they slowly build up skills. Why should science be the one 
subject in which children (realistically) get almost nothing, and 
then are thrown to the wolves for 11th grade physics."

The same point was made by Ken Ford (1989) in his Guest Comment "Is 
Physics Difficult." Ford wrote: "Six-year-olds write English and . . 
.  Jeremy Bernstein writes English. What separates them? A long, 
gradual incline of increased ability, understanding, and practice. 
[But for Physics] we have fashioned a cliff. There is no gradual 
ramp, only a near-vertical ascent to its high plateau."

See "Physics First: Opening Battle in the War on Science/Math 
Illiteracy?" at <>  for cartoons which contrast 
Lederman's 9th grade physics cliff (page 2) with Ford's P-12 
science/math ramp (page 4).

To access the complete 10 kB post please click on <>.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
Honorary Member, Curmudgeon Lodge of Deventer, The Netherlands
President, PEdants for Definitive Academic References which Recognize the
       Invention of the Internet (PEDARRII)

"For most men, save the scientific workers, science is a mystery in 
the hands of initiates, who have become adepts in virtue of following 
ritualistic ceremonies from which the profane herd is excluded".
             John Dewey (1927) in "The Public and its Problems "

REFERENCES [URL's shortened by <> and accessed on 17 
November 2010.]

Dewey, J.  1927. "The Public and its Problems," a 1954 edition is 
available from Swallow Press. information at 
<>, note the searchable "Look Inside" feature.

Hake, R.R. 2010. "Is Physics Difficult? (was Why are we still asking 
silly questions?)" online on the OPEN AERA-L archives at 
<>.  Post of 17 Nov 2010 13:11:56-0800 to AERA-L, 
Net-Gold, & Physics First. The abstract and link to the complete post 
are being transmitted to various discussion lists and are on my blog 
"Hake'sEdStuff" at <>.
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