Hi folks,

that wasn't an easy work... :) but looks like it works as well
now for QSO's.

There is an initial version of Cabrillo import:




That works as very simple way at this time: you have to place the
CAB file to contest directory with your callsign, and ".cbr"
extension, eg:


Then you have to type:

tlf -c

(-c means "convert")

Be pation, after few seconds (it depends the number of QSO's) Tlf
will exit (give back the prompt), and you can find a new file in
the directory: IMPORT_contest.log, where the "contest" is the
name of logfile in your logcfg.dat.

I've tested with several contests, and it works as well with all

The feature has some limitations:
* because CAB format stores the freq value only in kHz, but Tlf
  stores it 100Hz, it can't convert back the original QRG, eg.
  the original was 7001.5, that in CAB file will 7001, and after
  the import it will also 7001.0
* there isn't any feedback from Tlf till it works on files; I'll
  make some interactive messages, which indicates that Tlf works

This test version only works for QSO (and X-QSO) cabrillo lines.
I will continue the work, and hope I can make it that QTC lines
also would be converted.

Please help me as you tests it with many contests as possible.
First, you have to make an import (start Tlf (*), type ":write"
to callsign field, ...), and import back, then compare the
results. Make a copy from your original logs, and copy the IMPORT
file as your log, and start Tlf - you have to see the original
points and multipliers.

*: you don't need to modify the logcfg.dat, if the RIG or cluster
has set up, just type:

tlf -r -n

then Tlf will neglect the RIG (-r) and cluster (-n / net).

Note, that you can check the differences with this way:

awk '{print substr($0,0,80)}' yourlog.log > origlog
awk '{print substr($0,0,80)}' IMPORT_yourlog.log > importlog
diff origlog importlog

Any feedback are welcome!


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