At this point I don’t think it’s December 2nd anywhere in the world, so it’s 
time to close this thread.  Joe and I will take a couple of days to review the 
130+ messages.


> On Nov 17, 2016, at 21:12, Sean Turner <> wrote:
> At IETF 97, the chairs lead a discussion to resolve whether the WG should 
> rebrand TLS1.3 to something else.  Slides can be found @ 
> The consensus in the room was to leave it as is, i.e., TLS1.3, and to not 
> rebrand it to TLS 2.0, TLS 2, or TLS 4.  We need to confirm this decision on 
> the list so please let the list know your top choice between:
> - Leave it TLS 1.3
> - Rebrand TLS 2.0
> - Rebrand TLS 2
> - Rebrand TLS 4
> by 2 December 2016.
> Thanks,
> J&S

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