Greetings tmux-users,

In my pre-tmux-days I used Shift+PgUp/Down to scroll in my terminal. I know
with tmux I need to enter copy-mode. I've almost recreated what I was used
with the following .tmux.conf lines:

bind-key -n C-PPage copy-mode -u
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-NPage send-keys -X page-down

I have two questions:

1. Is it possible to change the modifier from Control to Shift? Currently I
have C-PPage but would like Shift-PPage? If so, what is the right word for

2. Is there a way to test if the copy-mode is at the bottom of the scroll
buffer and to exit copy-mode if tmux detects it is at the bottom? I'd like
to exit copy-mode if I hit the bottom of the scroll buffer with my PgDown
(NPage) key binding. Is that possible?



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