(Duplicate post...I used the wrong e-mail address to send the original with and it now waits for moderator approval)


YIKES! I thought I was suddenly inheriting the bug list! Glad to know
that it is your to-do and not mine.

Good to see you on the list again! The HTML stuff hasn't changed and I
promised Richard that I would post the code and perhaps set up a demo
site. I haven't done either, yet. Things continue to be pretty busy
around here and since the Web5250 application hasn't come front and
center for the company (yet) I haven't had much time to devote to it. I
will get it going in the next day or so.

We have discussed "where to put it" on a couple of occasions. I can:

1. Set up a new SourceForge project and maintain the distro there.
2. Set up a CVS entry for the project on my CVS server.
3. We could (you could) create a sub project or branch on the tn5250j
project and we could store it there (although I am not familiar with the

I am not that CVS savvy so I don't know what the pro's and con's would
be to each approach. My aim for setting up the web site was to do a
brief project overview with screen shots and then have a live login link
to my iSeries so folks could try it.

I had not implemented the changes you sent in my version, so I'll have
to revisit that (I think you had a servlet that processed the login
request). I any case, most of the issues I have come across were of two
types. 1. The function keys failed to work as I wanted to and 2. The
translation of 5250 field types wasn't complete so that I was unable to
access some types of field data. Also, cursor movement is a problem
(using the cursor keys to move on the screen). I just haven't had the
chance to fully investigate it.

Richard has developers that have tweaked the code as well. We should
probably decide (soon) how we are going to manage the changes so we can
get one code base established.


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