Remeber to download ApacheModuleJServ.dll and add the
following line in the tomcat.conf file
LoadModule jserv_module
@tomcat@/modules/ApacheModuleJServ.dll where
@tomcat@/modules is the directory the above dll
or you can also download and install JServ and point
to the LoadModule to the
However the trick is that you have to make a copy of
the servlet.jar and name it as jsdk.jar so that the
JServ can point to jsdk.jar because JServ is still
trying to find the jsdk.jar released with the JSDK2.0

Good luck,
--- Charles Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry if this is not the right list to ask such a
> simple question. I thought
> this list are read by all those tomcat experts and
> therefore may get this
> answer more quickly.
> I am on Win2K platform and have been struggling to
> get the Java web app
> running under apache+tomcat. It is all due to
> choosing the correct version
> of the software I guess, but it is also too
> difficult to find out those
> right versions from the web.
> Could someone tell me what is the working
> combination of apache +
> JservModule + tomcat? I downloaded all the latestes
> version (Apache 1.1.13 +
> tomcat 3.2.1). It did not work! I managed to get
> them all installed and
> configured. Apache was started with no complains.
> But I could not request
> any jsp or servlet services.
> It is a similar problem I have with the IIS 5.0 +
> tomcat combination. It did
> not work on Win2K. Only if I am willing to go back
> to IIS4 and some older
> version of tomcat might I get it working. But I
> would like to use the latest
> servlet API (at least 2.2).
> Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
> Many thanks and regards,
> Charles
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
> Of Dan Milstein
> Sent: 04 February 2001 19:18
> Subject: Tomcat 3 Connector Default Bug Owner
> Craig (or anyone who has admin control over
> Bugzilla),
> I notice that you're set as the "default owner" for
> the "connectors"
> component for bugs within Tomcat 3.  I'd like to
> volunteer to take that role
> over (for the time being, at least), but I don't
> know how to reset that.
> Can someone set this up / explain to me how to do
> so?
> -Dan
> --
> Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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