I am trying to set up a project which uses servlets and thought I was doing fine until 
it came time to access the server
via port 8180.  All the emails refer to 8080, but it looks to me like the default port 
for non-secure HTTP
communications comes as 8180 in web.xml.


I have jdk1.3.1_01 installed, installed the classes for servlets, and have installed 
Tomcat4.  I'm still able to browse
my website but get no external response from port 8180.  Also, my log files do not 
exist except for the following:

[root@WWW /]# ll /var/tomcat4/logs
total 0
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root            0 Dec 17 19:54 catalina.out

I have been going nuts trying to compile mod_webapps with -DEAPI and cannot find apx.  
I have the following version of
apache, but did not install it myself:

Server version: Apache/1.3.19 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux)
Server built:   Mar 29 2001 12:52:37

This is related to trying to get servlets to work.  I do not have a browser installed 
on my linux box and only want to
access servlets from outside.  When I added the binary mod_webapps.so to my 
httpd.conf, it gave me the error about
recompiling with -DEAPI.

Secondly, I am curious about the ServerName parameter.  I have it set to localhost.  
Do I need to change it to the IP to
access it from the outside.

I saw someplace that someone recommended just installing another version of Apache.  
Is that the only solution and will
it affect the more recent gcc related files I've installed?

I know I may have committed a multitude of errors, I'd appreciate any pointers.

Thanks for answers to any of these questions.


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