hi all

i am trying to run a jsp file with a bean tag in
Apache Jserv.
i have been provided with a servlets directory and a
bean directory where the bean directory has been
included in classpath on the server.

the code for jsp file is 

<jsp:useBean id="comment" class="cal.hello"
        <jsp:setProperty name="comment" property="*"
   <b><% out.print(comment.getComment()); %></b>


the code for bean is 
package cal;
public class hello{
String comment;
 public hello() {
    comment = "comment";
  public String getComment() {
     return comment;
  public void setComment(String acomment) {
     comment = acomment;

i put the jsp file in servlets directory and the class
file in bean/cal.

i get the following error.

Exception while servicing request for

i also tried putting a jar file in bean directory and 

pls help!!!!

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