
I am facing a problem thought that you might be able to help me out with

this. I have installed IIS 5.0 on my box and I am using Tomcat Server
along with this.  And the redirector which you have written

Now I am facing a weird problem which I am unable to pinpoint and is
eating me out. The IIS is stopping and restarting regularly. I dont know

why. The event log is throwing out messages like this ( I have attached
the log file). So that is the  problem.

I am running some major requests on the Servlet side. Say a display of
300 rows using paging on the html page per each request.

I have tried lots of sites and people. Havent been able to debug it.

I am using a dll (cpp code debug version of that dll). This
Isapi_redirect.dll  Iam using here might be the cause of the problem
that I am facing. The  IIS is restarting like hell. No frequent time
frame. Just like that it restarts itself and shuts itself down and
restarts itself again. I am in a fix. I dont know where to start
looking. I saw the event log. The no of restarts if large . Can you
provide any insight why this might be happening. Iam attaching the event


I am using Tomcat Server at port 8081 and the redirector
(isapi_redirect.dll) is being used to redirect the servlet requests to
the tomcat server.

I appreciate your help,

Thanks and regards,

p.s : I am attaching the event log file.

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