
No, there is no single point of failure. The way it works is thus:

Each tomcat instance in a cluster (defined by a single multicast

- Shall keep a copy of all sessions that it owns (created).
- May be configured to be a session repository (or not).
   Session repositories keep copies of all sessions created
   by all members of the cluster.
- Shall automatically discover the other instances at startup time.
   (instances that were started earlier and discovered, shall be
     notified of newly started instances).
- during startup of a new 'repository', will request that it be sent
   copies of all known Sessions (from an arbitrary known repository).
- Shall copy all new / updated sessions to all other known 'repositories'
   after the completion of a web request.
- Shall 'lock' each owned session object while it is in use.
- Shall retrieve and lock a requested session from the 'owner' if the
  Tomcat is not the owner of the session.
- If the owner (tomcat) has been brought down in an orderly fashion, it will
   transfer ownership of all of it's owned sessions to arbitrary
   in the cluster (during it's shutdown sequence).
- If the owner (tomcat) has crashed, the 1st Tomcat (repository) to receive
a request
  for a session that was owned by the downed tomcat will become the new
  of that session.

- There is no single point of failure.
- Server/session affinity, is not required, but will provide performance
- New instances may be brought on-line, and will automatically become a part
  of the cluster.
- Existing instances may be brought down with no impact on users (other than
  a one-time performance hit).
- Existing instances may crash with *limited* deleterious side-effects.
- There must be at least two 'repository' instances in order to support the
   fail-over scenarios. However, the number of 'repository' instances should
   be limited to as small a number as is necessary to meet your fail-over
- This feature will only be present (and consume bandwidth) if it has been
   configured. Other load balancing solutions that don't require fail-over
   protection, such as the Tomcat 3.x / Apache solution can be implemented
   without concern for this.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lauer, Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Developers List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Tom
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 9:25 AM
Subject: AW: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load Balancing

| Tom,
| Will the repository be a single point of failure then ?
| Oliver
| > AXA eSolutions GmbH
| > AXA Konzern AG Germany
| > Oliver Lauer
| > Web Architect
| > Wörthstraße 34
| > D-50668 Köln
| > Germany
| > Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
| > Fax: +49 221 148 43963
| > Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59
| > _____________________________
| >
| -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
| Von: Tom Drake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Gesendet: Montag, 17. Dezember 2001 18:26
| An: Tomcat Developers List
| Betreff: Re: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load
| Balancing
| Keep in mind that with distributed sessions (coming soon to a tomcat near
| you), affinity
| is no longer 'required' in order to function. This provides the added
| benefit of fail-over.
| Affinity is still desirable for performance reasons. However, the if the
| Tomcat instance
| that created the session is brought down, the user needn't be affected.
| Apache
| should notice this and route subsequent requests (for the affected
| to another
| TC instance in the cluster. The other TC instances will either already
| a copy of
| the session or can retrieve it from a 'repository'.
| Tom
| ----- Original Message -----
| To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 9:07 AM
| Subject: RE: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load Balancing
| | On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, GOMEZ Henri wrote:
| |
| | > >couldn't the connector be solely
| | > >responsible for
| | > >this?  the connector could add a cookie to the response, then read
| | > >cookie on subsequent requests, and then you wouldn't have to
| | > >add stuff to
| | > >servlet containers to handle this.  or, i could be totally off base
| | >
| | > Could we add another cookie in http reply ? Spec compliant ?
| | > What to be used when you have to use URL encoded instead since
| | > cookies are not available ?
| |
| | It'll not work. URL rewriting is the issue - the session id ( i.e. what
| | will be sent on the next request ) will end up inside html pages, where
| | mod_jk can't 'rewrite' it. And adding a cookie will fail if no cookies
| | are available ( again where url rewriting will be used ).
| |
| | The session id that a servlet sees must have the vmroute in it.
| |
| |
| | Costin
| |
| |
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