This issue was the topic of quite a lot of discussion on the expert group for
the servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 specs.  Tomcat 3.2 implements the result of what the
expert group decided was the intended behavior.

Craig McClanahan

Shahed Ali wrote:

>  I noticed that if I have an include directive within another include
> directive,in Tomcat 3.1, the 2nd include has a path relative to the jsp
> doument. But in 3.2 its relative to the 1st include document. i.eA.jsp --->
> includes                                 ---------> includes Both
> and are under the ./include directory In 3.1A.jsp would have <@
> include file = "include/"and would have  <@ include file =
> "include/"> In 3.2A.jsp would have <@ include file = "include/"and
> would have  <@ include file = ""> Is this a change in the jsp spec
> or something specfic to tomcat ? ThanksShahed

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