Hi all

I am using JSTL with precompilation (JSPC).

I am wondering why the first time I go on a page with JSTL inside, it took longer to 
display. But when I go on it a second time, it displays as quick as with scriptlet.

So I had a look to the code generated by JSPC and I noticed that there is a pool 
system with reused objects : org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool

So my question is : is there a way to preload all that things ?
I tried to do :

            Class cl = Class.forName("dang.www.websnmp.admin.hostgen_jsp");
            Object obj = cl.newInstance();
            Method m = cl.getMethod("_jspInit", null);
            m.invoke(obj, null);

But no amelioration...


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