
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andrey Kartashov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 12:12 AM
>Subject: [PATCH] Secure defaults in server.xml + support for
>"multihomed" machines
>This patch is a result of our previous discussion with Henry 
>about making
>more secure default bindings in "server.xml".
>Summary of changes:
>       Added address="" parameter to Ajp interceptors 
>that should make
>       them bind to "localhost" by default (At the very least 
>someone won't be
>       able to shutdown a server remotly now)
>       Fixed to make it print IP into conf/ajp12.id in all the cases
>       ( address.toString() does not always work the way we need here)
>       Added support for method setXXX( InetAddress ) which is 
>needed to do
>       all the stuff described above.
>       Fixed to make work properly when bound to interface 
>other than "localhost"
>Attached please find diff.txt with all this changes.
>Diff is made using "cvs diff" against current state of 
>jakarta-tomcat CVS
>Please let me know what you think:)
>oo Andrey
>"All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less."
>           -- http://www.mutt.org/  Jeremy Blosser

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