Is it something you could solve with JSP custom taglibs?

Notice that it is quite easy to intermix JSPs with Servlets.

Just in case you don't know them, here are is a good introduction from Sun:
and some Apache starting pointers:

Have fun,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grobe, Gary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 21:20
> I'm looking for a solution where I can insert code into pages (like applet
> tags into html, etc...) already served up by the server (and not know
> anything about the pages themselves). This seems to be do-able in 2.3
> servlet specs w/ filters, but as I'm running into several undocumented
> issues with Catalina (and I really don't know if it's even ready
> for this),
> I'd like to know if there's another way to do this with the 2.2 servlets
> specs.
> I'm running apache 1.3.14 & tomcat 3.2.1
> (I havn't been able to get tomcat 4.0 built because of undoc'd
> env vars and
> where they point ... so far)
> Adv(Thnxs)ance

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