Sorry for the confusion.

I have a MVC framework in which  all jsp pages post
data to a controller servlet.

In this servlet, I need to findout which jsp page invoked it.

Currently I am passing a hidden variable with value="/callingpage.jsp"

i.e in  calling.jsp I have the code fragment

    <form action="/servlet/controller">
    <input type="hidden name=referer" value ="calling.jsp">

I want to replace this with some jsp token in each page so that i dont have
hardcode the jsp page name in every page.

At first I thought of using the HTTP referer header in the servlet, but that
only works
for the first time. The servlet does a servlet forward(), and so the next
time I look at
the HTTP Referer header, I get the name of the servlet and not the jsp page
which called the servlet.

The only way I could think of is getting the generated class name in jsp and
UnMangling it.

I could either do that or write my own Mangler class.

Now I looked at the Mangler code in from jasper.
The interface file has a comment that says that I can *plug in*
my own mangler.

However, would that mean rewriting CommandLineCompiler since it implements
Mangler ?


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