
I am having problems trying to configure TOMCAT 3.3 to work with IIS 4.0, via 
When I am doing an upload of a file larger than 100Mbytes I get an 'out of memory' 
I already tried to set the parameters cmd_line= -Xmx256m -Xss64k to the file 
If I ran TOMCAT stand alone (without IIS integration) it works fine, but when it is 
under IIS I receive the 'out of 
memory' error.
The server is a NT-40 - Service Pack 6, with 198 Mbytes Ram memory and 300 Mbytes of 
Virtual Memory.
It seems that when it is under IIS it is ignoring the memory parameters -Xmx256m 
Is there any other configuration that I am missing ?


Moisés B. Menezes

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