Bug Fix - Sort of...

2005-01-05 Thread Durfee, Bernard
 This is my first post to the list, so I am not sure of the protocol for
making contributions to the project. I had some problems getting a data
source configured in Tomcat 5. My data source factory was not being
used. After some struggle I found that I needed to put the factory name
as an attribute on the  Resource> element. So the
 ResourceParams> element seems to be ignored. 

HOWEVER! In the process of pulling out my hair to figure out what was
going on I 'fixed' the org.apache.naming.factory.ResourceFactory by
refactoring, commenting, and enhancing the exception messages to spit
out some information instead of just a one liner! These modifications
are below. I also added some comments to the code so that future
developers can figure out what the heck is going on. I would love to
contribute this to the project, I've read about 10 other threads on
various web-sites of people frustrated by the lack of error messages
related to this bug.

 * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.naming.factory;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.RefAddr;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory;

 * Object factory for Resources.
 * @author Remy Maucherat
 * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/27 14:58:54 $
public class ResourceFactory implements ObjectFactory {

  // ---

  // --
  private static final String DATASOURCE = "javax.sql.DataSource";

  private static final String MAIL_SESSION = "javax.mail.Session";

  private static final String DATASOURCE_FACTORY_PROPERTY =

  private static final String MAIL_SESSION_FACTORY_PROPERTY =

  private static final String MAIL_SESSION_FACTORY =

  // - Instance

  // - Public

  // -- ObjectFactory

   * Creates a new object using the specified factory
   *   The factory class name is determined
   * The class name is retrieved from the Reference object
   * If the class name is not found, a default factory is
created for the desired object
   * If the class name is still not found, an exception is
   *   Once the factory class name is determined, an instance is
created and used to create the desired object 
   * @param resourceRefObject The reference object describing the
   * @param name Passed to factory
   * @param nameCtx Passed to factory
   * @param environment Passed to factory
   * @return The object instance; null if the 'referenceObject'
parameter is not an instance of Reference
   * @throws NamingException When the factory could not be created
   * @throws Exception When the factory could not create the obect
  public Object getObjectInstance(Object referenceObject, Name name,
Context nameCtx, Hashtable environment)
  throws Exception {
// Make sure the Reference was passed in
if(!(referenceObject instanceof Reference)) {
  return null;

// Cast the incoming resource reference
Reference reference = (Reference) referenceObject;

// We need to create the factory class
final Class factoryClass;

// First check to see if a factory name has been supplied with the
RefAddr factoryRefAddr = reference.get(Constants.FACTORY);
if(factoryRefAddr != null) {
  // If so, get the classname of the specified factory
  String factoryClassName = factoryRefAddr.getContent().toString();

  // Get the context class loader; may not be available
  ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
  if(tcl != null) {
// Use the context class loader 
try {
  factoryClass = tcl.loadClass(factoryClassName);
catch(ClassNotFoundException exception) {
  NamingException namingException = new NamingException("Could
not load resource factory class '"
  + fact

RE: Pluggable mechanism for loading context config files

2005-01-06 Thread Durfee, Bernard
 I disagree, I have always felt it would be a good idea to have the
database passwords and such encrypted when in the context files. Those
context files fly all around stuffed in WAR files and stored in CVS
repositories and 'Hey Bob, does this context file look right?'. That's
an awful lot of chances for someone to 'see' a plain-text password,
whether by malicious activity or a simple 'over the shoulder' accidental

 If the password was encrypted using a method where the encrypted string
can only be decrypted by Tomcat using a key stored safely on the Tomcat
server. A key which can sit on the server and does not ever need to
leave the server. The key can be used to encrypt passwords, which can
then be put in the context files. Now the risk of someone 'seeing' the
password in the context file is not as damaging, because the encrypted
password won't be useful. In fact this could be used to encrypt the
password, username, SID, etc. so that these details would be obscured as
the context files go from the developer's workstation to home to their
laptop to the test environment, etc.

This is at best a strategy of obfuscation, but I think it is a worthy

Bernard Durfee

-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:25 PM
To: Tomcat Developers List
Subject: Re: Pluggable mechanism for loading context config files


I would vote '-1' for any such addition Tomcat.

Let me explain why by way of a simple example. Let us assume that Tomcat
requires a plain text user name and password to connect to a database. 
First of all, consider the security risks if the information is stored 
in an unencrypted file somewhere on the server. Assuming that this file 
is not publicaly available, only users with access to the machine can 
access the file. With a little more configuration and possibly some 
network security only users with physical access to the machine can 
access the file and read the password.

If one or more 'untrusted' users has physical access to the machine it 
is pretty much game over from a security point of view. With physical 
access there are a whole host of potential attacks I can think of that 
would enable an attacker to gain access to the file.

Therefore, all we are trying to do is protect the contents of a file 
from a group of users all of whom are authorised to see it. What is the 

Looking at it from another perspective, lets say we do encrypt the file.

How does Tomcat decrypt it? Tomcat needs access to the decryption key. 
If this is in a file, the file needs to be protected. How do you do 
this? This is the same problem we had before. We have just added another

layer. It is a chicken and egg situation with no solution. The same 
applies to providing the password via some 'service'. How does the 
Tomcat process authenticate to this service to retrieve the password? It

needs some credentials. Where are these stored? In a file... and so we 
start all over again...

One thing that could work is not placing the password in a file at all 
but requiring it to be entered at start up. However, this exchanges a 
confidentiality security problem for an availability one - if the system

fails it can only be restarted when there is someone present who knows 
the password. Also, people being people, there is a strong chance this 
password will get written down and your security has just got worse 
rather than better.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do is leave the password unencrypted 
in a file and make sure the machine is electronically and physically 
secured with the right policies and procedures to ensure that it remains




Roytman, Alex wrote:
> Dear Tomcat developers,
> I would like to implement context config file encryption. It is a 
> pretty useful feature since passwords to various resources are stored 
> in those files Unfortunately the way how context config files are read

> is hard coded (InputSource for Digester is created from 
> FileInputStream) and does not let me do so.
> It would be great if tomcat 5.5 provided some pluggable 
> ConfigFileLoader in HostConfig (and may be on Engine level as well) to

> return InputStream for a given config file name (or decorator for 
> FileInputStream ). It would be also great if it were possible to 
> register context config file extensions other then *.xml - it would 
> allow to use *.exml for encrypted XML config files (will save us a 
> test of the file to se if it is encrypted or plain text)
> If it is not possible to make this enhancement may be you could 
> re-factor ContextConfig class so it can be effectively subclassed and 
> its input stream logic altered
> All you would need to do is to factor out
> protected void processContextConfig(InputStream) {
> }
> from
> protected void processContextConfig(File file) {
> if (log.isDebugEnabled())
> log.deb

Documentation Error

2005-04-01 Thread Durfee, Bernard
The documentation at http://www.uportal.org/administrators/building.html
does not mention the server.home property...

"Before deploying uPortal you may need to modify the build.properties.
Edit the file and find the deploy.home property."

...should read...

"Before deploying uPortal you may need to modify the build.properties.
Edit the file and find the server.home and deploy.home properties."

Bernard Durfee

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2005-07-15 Thread Durfee, Bernard
How are  elements in a context.xml file processed by Tomcat
5.5.x? For instance...

...I am assuming this would use BasicServiceFactory to create an
instance of BasicService and bind it to the appropriate node in JNDI
correct? How do I go about passing parameters to the BasicService

Bernard Durfee

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