
I found a little problem in StandardSesssion.java. I hope this is the
correct place to send it to.

Acording to section SVR.7.4 of the servlet spec:

"The valueBound method must be called before the object is made available
via the getAttribute method of the HttpSession interface. The valueUbound
method must be called after the object is no longer available via the
getAttribute method of the HttpSession interface.". 

The problem in the setAttribute() code is that valueBound() is called after
the value is put into the attributes of the session. Here is the code with
the problem:


        // Replace or add this attribute
        Object unbound = null;
        synchronized (attributes) {
            unbound = attributes.get(name);
            attributes.put(name, value);

        // Call the valueUnbound() method if necessary
        if ((unbound != null) &&
            (unbound instanceof HttpSessionBindingListener)) {
            ((HttpSessionBindingListener) unbound).valueUnbound
              (new HttpSessionBindingEvent((HttpSession) this, name));

        // Call the valueBound() method if necessary
        HttpSessionBindingEvent event = null;
        if (unbound != null)
            event = new HttpSessionBindingEvent
                ((HttpSession) this, name, unbound);
            event = new HttpSessionBindingEvent
                ((HttpSession) this, name, value);
        if (value instanceof HttpSessionBindingListener)
            ((HttpSessionBindingListener) value).valueBound(event);


Here is the corrected code:

          // Construct an event with the new value
        HttpSessionBindingEvent event = new HttpSessionBindingEvent
                ((HttpSession) this, name, value);

          // Call the valueBound() method if necessary
        if (value instanceof HttpSessionBindingListener)
            ((HttpSessionBindingListener) value).valueBound(event);

        // Replace or add this attribute
        Object unbound = null;
        synchronized (attributes) {
            unbound = attributes.get(name);
            attributes.put(name, value);

        // Call the valueUnbound() method if necessary
        if ((unbound != null) &&
            (unbound instanceof HttpSessionBindingListener)) {
            ((HttpSessionBindingListener) unbound).valueUnbound
              (new HttpSessionBindingEvent((HttpSession) this, name));

        // Replace the current event with one containing the old value if
        if (unbound != null)
            event = new HttpSessionBindingEvent
                ((HttpSession) this, name, unbound);



Pablo Morales

Condumex Inc.
1184E Corporate Dr. West
Arlington, Texas, 76006
Tel. (817) 607-18-13,(817) 607-15-00 ext 1813
Fax. (817) 607-18-33

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