Re: SVN migration?

2005-02-04 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Feb 4, 2005, at 10:29 AM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
Whatever productivity is gained are over CVS will probably get eaten 
up by less efficient tool integration for me.
Right, Ant doesn't have a svn task yet. Isn't that reason enough not to 
jump ship yet?

Sandy McArthur
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
- Thomas Paine

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: JSP changes cause web app reload in 5.5?

2004-12-14 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Dec 14, 2004, at 11:17 AM, Allistair Crossley wrote:
changes to JSPs now cause Tomcat to reload our web applications.
Could be deploying the webapp from the same working directory that your 
IDE uses? Maybe when you think you are only saving the changed jsp you 
are also modifying the last mod time stamps on other files too.

Sandy McArthur
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Questions on mod_jk, session affinity, etc

2004-11-09 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Nov 9, 2004, at 10:00 PM, Jess Holle wrote:
is there any hope/possibility/interest of trying to balance the number 
of active sessions per Tomcat instance (i.e. sending new requests to 
the instance with the fewest active sessions)?
We (UF, I cannot claim to represent the tomcat devs) are happy with a 
simple round robin distribution for new requests. We have 8 tomcat 
clones for simple load balancing and given enough users it all evens 
out. We've gutted the existing balancing code in mod_jk because it was 
broken and put in our own more simple algorithm that doesn't do load 
factors. Hopefully the balancing code back ported from the mod_proxy 
efforts will do the trick and we can ditch our own stuff.

Anyway, trying to be too smart in sending new requests to clones with 
the fewest number of sessions would probably create this weird flow 
where new users gravitate to the same clone as a batch of users 
sessions expire.

Even if that isn't the case, it's in our interests to separate new 
sessions between clones. Typically for us the first request a user 
makes after login is the most cpu/time intensive because we need lookup 
extended info about the user and generally setup their session.

Sandy McArthur
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
- Thomas Paine

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Re: Tomcat Benchmarking / Load Testing

2004-08-31 Thread Sandy McArthur
We, University of Florida, use Tomcat 5 for our webapps when we can. 
(We also use WebSphere and WebLogic when needed.)

Our largest use of Tomcat is with our webmail cluster. You can find 
some stats for that at: (Note: 
that the monthly reports are behind because of problems with analog on 

Yesterday during peak usage we were handling 55 request per second:

Our setup is 3 machines running Apache HTTPD with mod_jk load balancing 
to 4 machines running Tomcat 5. While all of those machines are beefy 
quad CPU boxes with between 2 to 8 gig of ram none of them are single 
purpose machines.

Our Apache HTTPD machines serve over a hundred virtual hosts, so there 
are a lot of other factors which makes it hard for me to assert any 
performance numbers of our tomcat setup. I can say our last problems 
with our webmail setup stemmed from running out of simultaneous 
connections in apache httpd when all the students returned this past 
fall. The 4 boxes running tomcat is overpowered to handle any surge in 
usage and I haven't seen their CPU load cross 33%.

On Aug 31, 2004, at 9:39 AM, Gaurav Vaish wrote:
Can you please name a few?
On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 08:11:50 -0500, Peter Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
there's plenty of big sites using tomcat. They just don't say it. I
know several sites getting millions of page views a day using tomcat
just fine.
Sandy McArthur
"Government big enough to supply everything you
need is big enough to take everything you have ...
The course of history shows that as a government
grows, liberty decreases." -- Thomas Jefferson

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [VOTE] [5.5] Release plan votes

2004-08-26 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Aug 26, 2004, at 1:13 PM, Remy Maucherat wrote:

Tomcat 5.5 should use the following API set for the coding:
[ ] J2SE 1.3
[X] J2SE 1.4
[ ] J2SE 5.0

As a Tomcat user I'd appreciate it if Tomcat would support the second 
newest JVM release at the time a new minor version number series is 

Sandy McArthur
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: PATCH: mod_jk get_cookie jvmroute fix

2004-07-27 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Jul 27, 2004, at 5:26 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
Could you send a diff -Nru patch please ;)
cvs didn't like the -r switch. I ran `cvs diff -Nu` from the 
jakarta-tomcat-connectors base directory.


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PATCH: mod_jk get_cookie jvmroute fix

2004-07-26 Thread Sandy McArthur
Attached is a patch that fixes the get_cookie in jk_lb_worker.c taken 
from the CVS today.

The current implementation will fail if there are two JSESSIONID 
cookies at different domain levels. My patch below checks a JSESSIONID 
value for a known jvmroute before it returns a session cookie.

The logic isn't perfect but it better than the current implementation 
IMO. It could be made "more correct" if it verified the found jvmroute 
was at the end of the cookie's value instead of simply doing a strstr() 
for it. One could also argue that this changes the behavior enough that 
the function should be renamed as it's no longer a generic get_cookie 

That said, the current patch, altered for mod_jk 1.2.5, is currently in 
production for where it's getting 15+ requests a 

Sandy McArthur

Description: Binary data

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

RFE mod_jk: cookie session tracking for load balancing with sub-domains

2004-07-22 Thread Sandy McArthur
I'm happy with the latest change to get_cookie but there is one more 
problem I've found.

We, UF, have a convention of putting production services at and testing beta services at .

This causes a problem with cookie based session tracking which I partly 
blame on the cookie spec. The problem is the 
JSESSIONID cookie is made available to the 
webapp. What happens is mod_jk takes the first JSESSIONID cookie and 
uses that for picking the jvmroute. Since the lb clusters in our 
test.service setups are smaller it's not possible for all the jvmroutes 
from the production to map to the test jvmroutes. In this case it's 
random where mod_jk sends the request and users can't get past the 
login page since their requests aren't being sent to the right clone.

What mod_jk should do is check all JSESSIONID cookies for a known 
jvmroute and use one that matches instead of just using the first one. 
(I believe I checked the source to Tomcat 5.something and it did the 
right thing in the case of many JSESSIONID cookies, so that part is 

The problem comes from the cookie spec stating that "When 
sending cookies to a server, all cookies with a more specific path 
mapping should be sent before cookies with less specific path 
mappings." but it's silent on the order of cookies when it comes to 
more specific domains. It seems Mozilla orders cookies based on the 
domain but IE doesn't. Sadly, most users use IE.

Sandy McArthur

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk 1.2.6 release ? - session tracking cookie

2004-07-20 Thread Sandy McArthur
Much thanks!
We've tested the fixed get_cookie back-ported to mod_jk 1.2.5 and it 
works well.

We'll deploy that version into production tonight but I don't expect 
any problems. I'll let y'all know if there is.

On Jul 20, 2004, at 3:17 PM, Bill Barker wrote:
I see that attachments are still getting stripped from the list :).
The problem is yet-another-typo.  The check for a comma 
ends up re-setting the returned cookie value to NULL, so the lb thinks 
no cookie was sent.  If this attachment comes through, it's the patch 
it.  I'll commit it later (PST), if nobody else wants it.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk 1.2.6 release ? - session tracking cookie

2004-07-20 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Jul 20, 2004, at 5:27 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
Could you send us you ?
Description: Binary data

you feel like putting more work into this, adding 
statements should go to the Apache error_log.
Where did you want me put fprint ?
Let us know where you want them and we'll test that code too.
Sandy McArthur

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk 1.2.6 release ? - session tracking cookie

2004-07-19 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Jul 19, 2004, at 8:43 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
And since I couldn't delay the release to long, we need a quick reply,
so thanks to take a look at it.
We've setup a current CVS checkout of mod_jk at which is load balancing to our 
webmail cluster. If you constantly reload the page you'll see it's 
setting a new JSESSIONID cookie on every request.

For comparison is using mod_jk 1.2.5 
load balancing to the same webmail cluster.

Sandy McArthur

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk 1.2.6 release ? - session tracking cookie

2004-07-19 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Jul 19, 2004, at 4:06 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
Sandy McArthur wrote:
Thinking on it more, I think I'm full of it and I was confusing the 
symptoms of two problems that were happening at the same time. 
Disregard my comments below until I can double check myself.
On Jul 15, 2004, at 6:01 PM, Sandy McArthur wrote:
On Jul 15, 2004, at 3:05 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
Could you take the latest code in CVS and check to see if it solve 
problem ?
We took the new get_cookie() implementation from CVS and replaced 
the one in our mod_jk 1.2.5 package and all hell broke loose. The 
jvmroute of the JSESSIONID cookie weren't being respected and users 
coudn't do anything in our load balanced setup because they were 
getting new JSESSIONID cookies on each request.

We reverted very quickly so I didn't get a good chance to debug it. 
Tomorrow we'll test mod_jk from CVS to make sure it wasn't a problem 
with the new get_cookie() in the 1.2.5 version.

I've manually followed the new get_cookie() code and it looks right 
to me but I'm nervous about it for now.

I'd like to know if anyone else has had success with the new 
get_cookie() in a load balanced setup.
I'm waiting for your reply to tag and make jk 1.2.6 release.
I double checked our setup and our attempt to patch mod_jk 1.2.5 with 
the new get_cookie implementation and found that request were *not* 
being forward to the right clone based on the jvmroute part of the 

I have not had time to test a current CVS checkout of mod_jk in a load 
balanced setup.

Sandy McArthur

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk 1.2.6 release ? - session tracking cookie

2004-07-15 Thread Sandy McArthur
Thinking on it more, I think I'm full of it and I was confusing the 
symptoms of two problems that were happening at the same time. 
Disregard my comments below until I can double check myself.

On Jul 15, 2004, at 6:01 PM, Sandy McArthur wrote:
On Jul 15, 2004, at 3:05 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
Could you take the latest code in CVS and check to see if it solve 
problem ?
We took the new get_cookie() implementation from CVS and replaced the 
one in our mod_jk 1.2.5 package and all hell broke loose. The jvmroute 
of the JSESSIONID cookie weren't being respected and users coudn't do 
anything in our load balanced setup because they were getting new 
JSESSIONID cookies on each request.

We reverted very quickly so I didn't get a good chance to debug it. 
Tomorrow we'll test mod_jk from CVS to make sure it wasn't a problem 
with the new get_cookie() in the 1.2.5 version.

I've manually followed the new get_cookie() code and it looks right to 
me but I'm nervous about it for now.

I'd like to know if anyone else has had success with the new 
get_cookie() in a load balanced setup.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk 1.2.6 release ? - session tracking cookie

2004-07-15 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Jul 15, 2004, at 3:05 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
Could you take the latest code in CVS and check to see if it solve your
problem ?
We took the new get_cookie() implementation from CVS and replaced the 
one in our mod_jk 1.2.5 package and all hell broke loose. The jvmroute 
of the JSESSIONID cookie weren't being respected and users coudn't do 
anything in our load balanced setup because they were getting new 
JSESSIONID cookies on each request.

We reverted very quickly so I didn't get a good chance to debug it. 
Tomorrow we'll test mod_jk from CVS to make sure it wasn't a problem 
with the new get_cookie() in the 1.2.5 version.

I've manually followed the new get_cookie() code and it looks right to 
me but I'm nervous about it for now.

I'd like to know if anyone else has had success with the new 
get_cookie() in a load balanced setup.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: mod_jk 1.0.26 release ? - session tracking cookie

2004-07-14 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Jul 14, 2004, at 11:17 AM, Henri Gomez wrote:
jk 1.2.6 seems to be in a good shape and a release should be welcome
for many users.
I'd like to release jk 1.2.6 next week.
Any objections ?
I have one gripe with the way mod_jk chooses the session tracking 

I'm not a dev but I just tracked down a bug that has been causing us, 
University of Florida, some pain for a few weeks.

I'm currently verifying that I'm not full of it before I filed a bug 
report but the short version is:

mod_jk seems to pick the first cookie ending in JSESSIONID such as 
PSJSESSIONID as opposed to what the servlet spec says in section 7.1.1: 
"The name of the session tracking cookie must be JSESSIONID."

Take a look at the get_cookie function in jk_lb_worker.c and walk 
though it with input similar to:


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Which class stores the JNDI resources?

2004-04-30 Thread Sandy McArthur
Been there. This has been fixed already. Use a newer release of tomcat.

On Apr 30, 2004, at 1:34 PM, David wrote:

Hi I've run into some problems with Tomcats JNDI storing.. Here is the
Running Struts 1.1, with a Spring plugin that loads a JNDI Datasource
Resource specified itself in the default context, OR specified in
GlobalResources with a resourceLink to it in the default context.
What happens as I have traced is:
-Tomcat loads
-Resource gets loaded into the namespace WITHOUT its resource params
-Tomcat loads the Struts Action Servlet from my webapp
-Plugin executes and gets an empty DataSource object from the DBCP
-Struts Action servlet finishes executing its init
-Tomcat loads the Resource into the namespace AGAIN WITH its resource
From that point forward I can get a fully populated functioning
Now this will work if I specify a resource link inside a specific
 element for my webapp within server.xml, however we want to
deploy our webapp via a war file so it needs to be in the default
Can anyone point me to the class handling the saves to JNDI so I can 
exactly what is happening?  Or a good workaround for this?

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Sandy McArthur

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Re: Many thanks to the dev team

2004-04-29 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Apr 29, 2004, at 10:58 AM, Remy Maucherat wrote:

Woohoo, cool, a happy user :D
Yes, much thanks. The University of Florida is happy too. We've been 
migrating webapps that don't need a full J2EE stack to Tomcat 5 over 
the last months and have been very pleased. While we don't have the 
admin tools for managing a cluster like we have for WebSphere, it still 
requires less time and effort to keep things running smoothly.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/valves

2004-04-14 Thread Sandy McArthur
On Apr 14, 2004, at 4:04 PM, Jess Holle wrote:

Jan Luehe wrote:

Sandy McArthur wrote:

Does this mean J2SE 1.3 support is no more?

On Apr 14, 2004, at 1:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: \

  Added support for exception chaining.

If there is a strong desire to maintain BC with J2SE 1.3,
I'll resort to the JdkCompat mechanism, but both Remy and Jess
voiced (strongly in the case of Jess) opinions that there was no need
for it.
Though I strongly feel Java 2 v1.3.1 is too old to bother with it (and 
that those who are still stuck back on it for some strange reason can 
stick with older versions of Tomcat as well), I do believe a statement 
that "this and future versions of Tomcat shall require Java 2 v1.4 or 
higher" should accompany the first public release after any change 
requiring Java 2 v1.4 for basic functionality.
Personally I'd prefer to drop J2SE 1.3 support. It gives me another 
argument to management for "See, those AIX 4.3 boxes are so old we 
cannot use the latest Tomcat on them because a 1.4 JVM isn't 

As a programmer/site admin/all around nice guy :)  I think it would be 
nice if there was one more stable release that supported J2SE 1.3 that 
included an announcement like "This is the last version that will run 
on J2SE 1.3. All future versions of Tomcat will require a 1.4 JVM. You 
have been warned."


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/share/org/apache/catalina/valves

2004-04-14 Thread Sandy McArthur
Does this mean J2SE 1.3 support is no more?

On Apr 14, 2004, at 1:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Added support for exception chaining.

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Re: Filter.init and JNDI resources

2004-04-07 Thread Sandy McArthur
Opps, this belongs on tomcat-users, I'll take this there. Sorry.

Sandy McArthur

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Filter.init and JNDI resources

2004-04-07 Thread Sandy McArthur
I just wrote a Filter that uses a JNDI provided datasource. When I try  
to access that datasource from the Filter.init(...) I get a exception:

Caused by: javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
... 23 more

But when I put the same init code in the Filter.doFilter(...) method  
such that it only executes once, but delayed until the webapp has been  
made available I have no problems.

I skimmed the servlet 2.4 spec and found nothing stating the  
availability of JNDI resources at the time a filter is instantiated.

I tried reordering my web.xml so that the resource-env-ref came before  
the problematic filter to no avail.

Does this sound like a bug, an ambiguous part of the Servlet spec,  or  
am I missing something?

Sandy McArthur

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Custom session tracking method?

2004-04-06 Thread Sandy McArthur
Hi all,

Is there a way to implement custom session tracking at the container 

I'm trying to figure out how to implement a custom session tracking 
method. I have a legacy client that interacts with a set of cgi scripts 
and I'd like to port those scripts to servlets. I'm running into a 
problem because the client passes session ids as a query parameter 
named 'session-num' (e.g.: /update?session-num=TOKEN). The client does 
not support cookies and there is no way to tell it use a JSESSIONID 
encoded in the path.

I've followed the code as best as I can starting at 
org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteAdapter parses the JSESSIONID from the 
request/cookies to where the org.apache.catalina.Manager fetches the 
org.apache.catalina.Session and I don't see anyway to directly override 
the session tracking behavior.

The best idea I currently have is to use a Valve and a custom Manager 
and hope none of the Manager.{create,find}Session() methods are called 
before my Valve can parse the request and stuff the "session-num" in a 
ThreadLocal that Manager can use when returning a Session.

That feels ugly and fragile to me. Does anyone have a better solution?

Sandy McArthur

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