The target below is used by Scarab's build file to upgrade our distribution
of Tomcat based off a standard binary distribution of Tomcat 4.1.x. Note
that I put the xercesImpl.jar into server/lib because of backwards
compatibility issues with Xerces. Why this isn't done by default is beyond
me. It would save people a lot of headaches.

With little modification, this can be used as the basis to create a minimal
Tomcat distribution.

The only issue remaining is that one needs to come up with a web.xml that
has all the Jasper and other crap removed...

    <target name="upgrade-tomcat-4-1-bin">
        Upgrading Tomcat 4.1 from: ${tomcat.binary.dir}
        <copy todir="${tomcat.dist.dir}/bin" filtering="no">
            <fileset dir="${tomcat.binary.dir}/bin"/>
        <copy todir="${tomcat.dist.dir}/common/endorsed" filtering="no">
            <fileset dir="${tomcat.binary.dir}/common/endorsed">
                <include name="**/xmlParserAPIs.jar"/>
        <copy todir="${tomcat.dist.dir}/server/lib" filtering="no">
            <fileset dir="${tomcat.binary.dir}/common/endorsed">
                <include name="**/xercesImpl.jar"/>
        <copy todir="${tomcat.dist.dir}/common/lib" filtering="no">
            <fileset dir="${tomcat.binary.dir}/common/lib">
                <include name="**/commons-collections.jar"/>
                <include name="**/naming-common.jar"/>
                <include name="**/naming-resources.jar"/>
                <include name="**/servlet.jar"/>
        <copy todir="${tomcat.dist.dir}/server/lib" filtering="no">
            <fileset dir="${tomcat.binary.dir}/server/lib">
                <include name="**/catalina.jar"/>
                <include name="**/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
                <include name="**/commons-digester.jar"/>
                <include name="**/commons-digester.jar"/>
                <include name="**/servlets-common.jar"/>
                <include name="**/servlets-default.jar"/>
                <include name="**/servlets-invoker.jar"/>
                <include name="**/tomcat-coyote.jar"/>
                <include name="**/tomcat-http11.jar"/>
                <include name="**/tomcat-util.jar"/>


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314 11th Street @ Folsom /\ San Francisco

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